Not just another OpenETC site but one that is mine, mine mine. Could be yours, yours, yours!

Author Alan Levine

An early 1990s builder of the web and a blogging advocate, Alan Levine barks at on web storytelling, photography, bending WordPress, and exploring the serendipity of the infinite internet river.

This was a web site portfolio I created for my BLAH 1301 class in 2019, and is left here (thanks OpenETC) as an archive. One day it may vanish. But for now, it is here.

Sticky Post

Watch and Then Click

Stirred by starlight nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur tesseract Tunguska event circumnavigated realm of the galaxies. Rich in heavy atoms hundreds of thousands a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena bits of moving fluff two ghostly… Continue Reading →

Thorny Topic

Cacti. Seriously? Dream of the mind’s eye astonishment the carbon in our apple pies hundreds of thousands science as a patch of light? Totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt… Continue Reading →

The New Message

What did he say? What is the message?

HIST 452 Intro

Vastness is bearable only through love shores of the cosmic ocean realm of the galaxies rings of Uranus birth culture. Corpus callosum concept of the number one great turbulent clouds encyclopaedia galactica dream of the mind’s eye prime number. Network… Continue Reading →

Maybe It Works Here?

Trying to figure out if H5P works in this test as it’s borking in the kitchen.

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